Essential Education supplies the online learning content that many students use to assist them with studying for the GED® test. Students purchase the 12-month license for the use of this online content.
- As an authorised Essential Education GED Academy™ reseller of the online content, you may use the Essential Education logo in marketing the product. To download the high-resolution Essential Education logo, please click on the links below:
White text: https://files.colcampus.com/guidelines/powered-by-ee-logo-white.png
Grey text: https://files.colcampus.com/guidelines/powered-by-ee-logo-grey.png
Grey text with “GED Academy”: https://files.colcampus.com/guidelines/ged-academy-powered-by-ee-logo-grey.png
- When referring to the online learning content, it must be referred to as:
Essential Education GED Academy™
Please ensure that you always include the ™ and, in this instance, the GED does not have the ® after.
- Essential Education GED Academy™ resellers are not NOT approved to use any GED® logo. Only authorised GED® Pearson VUE Testing Centres and/or Authorised Education Partners have approval to use the GED® logo.
Please note:
- All content must be sent to SK Education Solutions for approval prior printing/publishing of any kind. This includes all websites and social media platforms, as well as printed materials
- Any and all domain names must be approved for suitability before purchasing.
- All domains whereby you reference the GED® must be provided to SK Education Solutions for brand monitoring purposes.
- Please send all approval requests to info@edsol.co.za